Laboratory Introduction
Research Lab Introduction for Graduate Students (via Zoom)
We will hold a research lab introduction session via Zoom for students interested in pursuing graduate studies. During the session, the faculty member will explain research topics and activities related to control engineering, including study groups and ongoing research projects. Following the introduction, there will be a student-led discussion session. We welcome students from other universities and technical colleges. If you are interested, please join us!
Date and Time:
• Session 1: Saturday, May 9, 2020, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
• Session 2: Saturday, May 16, 2020, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
How to Join:
Please join the Zoom meeting room provided in the reply email.
Research Topics to Be Introduced:
• Encrypted Control: Research on control theory and techniques for securing control systems (integration with cryptography).
• Decision-Making Control: Research on the estimation and control of rational (and irrational) decision-making (integration with game theory).
• Development of Flexible Drive Systems: Research on position/torque control using pneumatic rubber artificial muscles (modeling and control applications).
• Biomedical Collaboration: Development of control systems for radiopharmaceutical manufacturing processes (collaborative research with the University of Tokyo Isotope Science Center).
• Industry-Academia Collaboration: Research on control systems for semiconductor manufacturing equipment and automation/human reduction in construction machinery (collaborative technology development with private companies).
Student Discussion Session:
• Moderator:
• Teranishi (M2, Encrypted Control)
• Expected Participants:
• Masuda (M2, Industry-Academia Collaboration)
• Sakuma (M2, Decision-Making)
• Kawase (M1, Encrypted Control & Industry-Academia Collaboration)
• Shin (M1, Flexible Drive Systems)
• Iinuma (M1, Decision-Making)
• Ishikawa (D1, part-time student, Flexible Drive Systems & Industry-Academia Collaboration)
• Honda (B4)
• Miyamoto (B4)
Q&A on topics such as research activities from the perspective of undergraduate and master’s students, opportunities for international research exchange, and the general atmosphere of the lab.
We look forward to your participation!
Posted:05/03/20 14:00 pm Updated:12/05/24 00:17 am