Graudate Students


Haruki Hoshino 星野 晴紀



March 2018: Graduated from Yokohama Science Frontier High School

August–September 2019: Completed a language training program at the University of Washington

March 2023: Graduated from the University of Electro-Communications, Faculty of Informatics and Engineering, Department II (Mechatronics), Measurement and Control Systems Program

April 2023: Enrolled in the Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Intelligent Systems, University of Electro-Communications

Research Achievements

1. “Stability Determination of Adaptive Distributed Observers on Graphs of Communication Networks”, February 2, 2023 (Bachelor’s Thesis)

2. Hoshino, Ogiso: “State Feedback Gain Updates via Inverse Matrix Operations Using Homomorphic Encryption”, Presented at the 68th Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE) Annual Conference, pp. 92–99, May 24–26, 2024


Ordinary Driver’s License (Acquired January 2022)

TOEIC Listening & Reading Score: 655 (March 2022)

Part-Time Work Experience

Antiques Dealer (March 2020–May 2022)

Hobbies, Clubs, and Activities

Year 1 to Year 3 (Undergraduate):

Member of the Synth Design Research Club. I enjoyed working as a PA (sound operator) as a hobby. There were plenty of professional audio equipment available compared to high school, which made it even more enjoyable to experiment with.

Year 3 to Year 4 (Undergraduate):

Additionally joined the Virtual Live Lab (VLL). I served as a PA for the fan-made live event MIKUEC.